Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Cooper & Barrett
My best friend, Kelly, and her little cutie pie Barrett came to stay with us on the weekend of August 27th. There is only a 4 month age difference between our boys and they had SO much fun together! I can tell that these two are going to grow up best friends too, and maybe college roommates at UA! ;)

If Cooper hears the "click" of a camera, he will immediately search the room for it so he can "cheese" for the picture. Here's an example....I love my little silly monkey!
Sweet boys!
Barrett trying out Cooper's bouncer. Cooper had to stand next to him to "show" him all the toys!
Cooper - 10 Months Old
Cooper - I can't believe that you are only 2 months away from your first birthday! These 10 months have flown by! Here's what you are up to these days.
- You are still in a size 4 diaper and mostly 12 month size clothes.
- You finally started crawling (on Labor Day to be exact)! You have been pulling up and walking up and down the couch for a few months but never would crawl. Since you have discovered that this is a way of your getting around (and getting to things you want!) you are crawling everywhere!
- You are letting go and standing on your own for about 10 seconds at a time. Sometimes, you will let go and try to take a few steps by yourself. We think that you will be walking in the next week or two!
- You talk all of the time! You have started saying "PaPa." This is what you are calling your Grandaddy. We have no idea where this came from, it's just a name you decided that he should have! You imitate what we say alot, so we have to watch what we say around you! Ha! You also call your Dad "Daddoo" - again, we do not know where this came from. It's definitely something that you came up with on your own!
- You are so happy in the mornings! When you wake up, you will play in your crib for a while and just talk and babble to yourself.
- You love to play "peekaboo" and "pattycake."
- You have recently started clapping when you do something important. You have also started fake laughing at everything, which really cracks us up!
- You now give "sugar" when we ask. It's too cute!
- Everytime you hear music you start dancing. It's the cutest thing!
- You have 8 teeth (4 on top and 4 on bottom).
- You love for us to read books to you (and we love reading them to you!). You will usually want to read the same book over and over. Once we finish it, you will take if from us and then immediately hand it back to us wanting to hear the story again! Your current favorite book is called "Puppy" and it's about, you guessed it, your favorite animal.....puppies! Sometimes you will get a book out of your toy box and sit in the floor and look at the pictures. You have loved books from a VERY early age! I hope that your love for them sticks around! :)
- You recently had your first trip to the zoo and you LOVED it! I think that we are definitely going to have to invest in a zoo membership so we can go often!
- I can't believe that you are almost 1 year old! This has definitely been a wonderful year! You have gotten so big and you have the sweetest personality! Your Daddy and I get so tickled at your sense of humor! You are a funny little boy and we loves you tons!
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