Maybe it's just a little boy thing but Cooper loves to climb. He pushes a chair up to our kitchen counter to climb onto it, he climbs onto the back of the couch, he climbs up on our bed (which is impressive because our bed is kind of high), etc., and it makes my heart skip a beat when I turn around and he is eye level with me. Ha! Here's an example....

This was just his first try. He can actually get onto the top of it to sit now. Any question on why we call him "Monkey"? Ha! He's such a funny kid and keeps us on our toes!
On a different note...on 24 days left until college football begins! These arrived last week - Roll Tide!

I can not wait to go to the games! Fall is my absolutely favorite time of the year! Besides football, the leaves are changing, the local pumpkin patch opens, etc. Also, it starts getting cooler, which is nice since the temperature here has been high 90s - with a few over 100 degree days - for a while now and the humidity is awful! So, the cooler weather will be appreciated! Also, I'm already into planning mode for Cooper's 2nd birthday in November (which is always fun for me!). I can not believe that he is about to be 2 years old!