I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's! I am so behind in blogging! We had so much going on in the Fall and then, right before Christmas, we all caught a horrible cold that we passed around for a month. We are finally getting over that so things have gotten back to normal! I'm going to try to get Christmas photos on here soon, but until then, here are a few things that I am totally loving right now and thought I'd share!
First, I would just like to share that I have the most sensitive skin in the world....seriously, it's ridiculous! I have to be SO careful with new laundry detergents, makeup, etc. because most everything irritates my skin. Over the Christmas season I discovered this...

...and I am IN LOVE! This is the most wonderful facial moisturizer! It has SPF 15, so you have a little protection from the sun, and is so soothing! It has really transformed my skin and I couldn't be more happy! Usually, after wearing makeup all day, my skin would be really irritated at night. Now, I use this at night after I take my makeup off and I wake up with the softest, smoothest skin! I also put in on under my makeup in the morning and I don't have the irritation at the end of the day that I did before I discovered this!
Second, I don't know how many of you are fans of the TV show "Friends" but it has always been one of my favorites. Last year, I happened to catch a new show on ABC and it is one of the most hilarious shows that I have ever watched! It's like a modern day version of "Friends" but I actually think that it's funnier! It's titled "Happy Endings" and if you haven't seen it yet, you should!

Third, I'm one of those people who struggle with deciding what to cook for my family each night. I feel like I cook the same thing over and over had really gotten to the point that I grown really bored with cooking, which I have always loved doing. Then I discovered E-Mealz (
http://www.e-mealz.com/). I had heard of it before but never really thought about trying it until there was a Groupon for 50% off for a 1-year subscription so I thought I would give it a try. Well, I absolutely love it! Along with easy (and tasty!) recipes for each night of the week, it also gives you a complete shopping list. Anyone with an active 2-year old like myself will appreciate that!

Lastly, I have been a faithful reader of
http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/ for a few years. I mean, come on, you can't NOT love Ree! Now she has her own cooking show on Food Network. If you have ever read her blog then you will love her show! A new season starts this Saturday!

I just thought I would share some things that I'm loving at the moment! :)