Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Express - Part 2

Cooper and his Daddy in front of the HUGE pumpkin!

Decisions, decisions! Which one should I choose?

Having fun in the corn maze!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Express - Part 1

Cooper is currently in love with anything to do with trains so we thought it would be a good idea to take him to ride the "Pumpkin Patch Express." It was a huge hit! We got to ride a train to a field that was setup as a pumpkin patch. They also had tons of kids activities there also! And they were all for kids Cooper's age so he had a blast!

Here's a picture of our "ride" - ha!

We rode in an interior car on the way there. Here's a picture of Coop waiting for the ride to begin.

Family picture taken by the train conductor.

Coop met a buddy on the train! He and this cute little guy talked and played the whole way to the Pumpkin Patch.

More pictures to come in Part 2!