7 lbs, 15 ozs
20 1/2 inches long

Cooper is finally here! I was admitted to the hospital on Monday, November 9th at 3pm after my water broke at my OB/GYN's office (pretty convenient, huh?). I started having pretty strong contractions that night but wasn't dilating. At 6:30am, my doctor started me on Pitocin and Cooper arrived at 3:21pm on Tuesday, November 10. He was 7 lbs, 15 ozs, 20 1/2 inches long and was healthy and beautiful! We were suppose to be released from the hospital on Thursday, November 12th but Cooper's billirubin levels went up and he had some jaundice and had to stay under the billilights to try to get those levels down. We ended up staying there until Sunday, November 15th. We had him at UAB West, because that's where my doctor practices and we wanted him to deliver Cooper because both Chris and I think the world of Dr. Stephen. We had a wonderful experience there! The staff and nurses in the Women's Center were SOOOO good to us and took excellent care of both me and the baby. They were so attentive and supportive that we began to feel like they were family (being there for 6 days could have had something to do with that!). I've heard that some of the larger hospitals can make you feel like you are in a "baby factory" so I was hoping that delivering at a smaller hospital would be different and it was. We have nothing but good things to say about our experience there! I was released on Thursday but they let us stay in a room with Cooper until he was able to come home. As long as they had an extra room, they let us use it so we didn't have to leave him there alone and we really appreciated that. I don't think that there are many other hospitals that would let you do that! I will post more later once I have another free minute to download them off our camera.
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