Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Under the Weather
We've been under the weather around the Richards' household. Over the past 3 weeks, Cooper and I have had colds, I had a horrible stomach virus and now Cooper has his first ear infection. We've been really blessed because this is the first time that he has been sick. Needless to say, we've been laying low and staying at home alot. He is on antibiotics now so hopefully it will clear up fast and he will start feeling better!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Cooper - 4 Months Old
Cooper - At 4 months:
- You are in a size 2-3 diaper.
- You are wearing 6 month old (and some 9 month old) size clothes.
- You weigh 15 lbs, 13 ozs and are 25 1/2 inches long.
- You smile and laugh all the time! You have the cutest little cackly laugh!
- You love your exersaucer and your jumper.
- You still sleep SO well at night! You are still not a big napper during the day, but you are a consistent sleeper at night. We put you to bed no later than 8:30PM and you will sleep to at least 6:00AM.
- You are so good when we go shopping or to the store. You love for me to talk to you while I shop and show you all the things that I am putting into the cart.
- You have 3 favorite toys that you play with the most - a bug toy, a octopus toy and a toy that we can stick to your Bumbo tray that lights up.
- You still really love for us to read to you! You love looking at all the pictures!
- We have started slowly introducing you to solid foods. You are doing well with rice, but you aren't too sure about baby food veggies yet!
- We were able to take our first walk around the block a week or so ago when it was 79 degrees out. You LOVED being outside!
- You are so much fun and we love you very much! We look forward to everyday to see what new things you have learned!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Cooper's 4 Month Doctor Visit
Today was Cooper's 4 month doctor visit. He had to get more shots (not fun!) but he did really well! Dr. Elmer said that we could start introducing rice, baby food and juices to him. I'm excited to introduce him to new things but I know that feeding time will become much longer and much messier! ;)
He weighed 15 lbs, 13 ozs (75th percentile) and was 25 1/2 inches long (90th percentile). Everything looked great! He's teething and has had a cold. This is the first time he's ever been sick - we are very thankful for that! Especially since he was born in the middle of cold and flu season! Here's a picture of him while we were waiting to see the doctor.
He weighed 15 lbs, 13 ozs (75th percentile) and was 25 1/2 inches long (90th percentile). Everything looked great! He's teething and has had a cold. This is the first time he's ever been sick - we are very thankful for that! Especially since he was born in the middle of cold and flu season! Here's a picture of him while we were waiting to see the doctor.

Monday, March 8, 2010
Cooper's New Shades
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I'm a little behind...
I'm a little behind in blogging and I plan on posting new pictures tonight. Cooper is doing great. He laughs and "talks" all of the time and his little personality is really starting to show. It amazes me how much he is changing and how he learns new things every day. We have started putting him in nursery at church during Sunday morning service and he's doing great. The first time we left him, he started crying when we were leaving, but then one of the ladies asked him if he wanted to read a book and as soon as he saw that, he was fine. That kid loves books! I hope that's something that sticks with him!
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