Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cooper - 4 Months Old

Cooper - At 4 months:

  • You are in a size 2-3 diaper.
  • You are wearing 6 month old (and some 9 month old) size clothes.
  • You weigh 15 lbs, 13 ozs and are 25 1/2 inches long.
  • You smile and laugh all the time! You have the cutest little cackly laugh!
  • You love your exersaucer and your jumper.
  • You still sleep SO well at night! You are still not a big napper during the day, but you are a consistent sleeper at night. We put you to bed no later than 8:30PM and you will sleep to at least 6:00AM.
  • You are so good when we go shopping or to the store. You love for me to talk to you while I shop and show you all the things that I am putting into the cart.
  • You have 3 favorite toys that you play with the most - a bug toy, a octopus toy and a toy that we can stick to your Bumbo tray that lights up.
  • You still really love for us to read to you! You love looking at all the pictures!
  • We have started slowly introducing you to solid foods. You are doing well with rice, but you aren't too sure about baby food veggies yet!
  • We were able to take our first walk around the block a week or so ago when it was 79 degrees out. You LOVED being outside!
  • You are so much fun and we love you very much! We look forward to everyday to see what new things you have learned!

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