Monday, May 24, 2010

Cooper - 6 Months Old

Cooper - At 6 months old:
  • You weigh 19 1/2 lbs (50th percentile) and are 26 1/2 inches long (50th percentile).
  • You are in a size 3 diaper (almost in a size 4!).
  • You wear size 9 months in clothes (12 months in some things).
  • Your favorite toy is a small stuffed monkey. You carry him with you everywhere!
  • You are sitting up on your own. You love to sit in the floor and play with all your toys.
  • Whenever anyone is holding you, all you want to do is stand up and refuse to sit. :)
  • You still sleep all night long (usually 8:30pm until 6:30am) and have since you were 2 months old! You are still not a big napper but will take a few short naps during the day.
  • Your current favorite baby foods are sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese (this is your Daddy's favorite food too!) and pear strawberry granola (actually, you love anything with strawberries in it!).
  • You have started using a sippy cup but still want us to hold it for you. We are working on that though! :)
  • Your new game is throwing your toys on the floor so we have to pick them up for you. You think that it is hilarious! :)
  • You are a good little traveler! So far, we have only taken day trips but you love to be on the go!
  • You are Mr. Personality! You smile and laugh ALL the time and are so much fun!
  • You are a joy and we love you so much!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend we wanted to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors, so we went for a drive and ended up at Palisades Park in Oneonta. I had never heard of this park, but it is where Chris learned to rope repel when he became a firefighter. It is a really nice little park, with lots of rock cliffs for repelling and the views were really pretty. It would be a great place to view the fall foliage! Cooper loved it because he loves anything that has to do with being outside!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Chris took this picture of Cooper this weekend while he was napping. I love this picture of our sweet, sleeping boy holding his favorite toy, his stuffed monkey.

Cooper's Baby Dedication - April 11, 2010

We had Cooper's baby dedication at our church on Sunday, April 11, 2010. Here we are with our pastor, who gave the sweetest dedication that we have ever heard. Thanks, Bro. Matt!

Cooper - 5 Months Old

Cooper - At 5 months:

  • You are in a size 3 diaper.
  • You are wearing size 9 months in clothes (you are such a long baby that you are already wearing 12 months in some things!).
  • You are such a little ham. You smile and laugh all of the time and we can not get enough of your adorable little cackle laugh!
  • You love your Exersaucer and your bouncer.
  • You love any kind of "puppy," especially your two puppies, Murphy and Darby, and they love you just as much! We have to watch them around you because they are always trying to "sneak kisses" and lick your foot or hand!
  • You are a very good eater. Your current favorites are sweet potatoes and squash. I think that you love veggies more than fruits!
  • You love being outside but the pollen has been so bad that we aren't able to stay outside as much as we would like. I think that you are going to have the same bad seasonal allergies as your mommy.
  • You are a joy and so much fun! We can't wait to see what new thing you will learn next!