Cooper - At 6 months old:
- You weigh 19 1/2 lbs (50th percentile) and are 26 1/2 inches long (50th percentile).
- You are in a size 3 diaper (almost in a size 4!).
- You wear size 9 months in clothes (12 months in some things).
- Your favorite toy is a small stuffed monkey. You carry him with you everywhere!
- You are sitting up on your own. You love to sit in the floor and play with all your toys.
- Whenever anyone is holding you, all you want to do is stand up and refuse to sit. :)
- You still sleep all night long (usually 8:30pm until 6:30am) and have since you were 2 months old! You are still not a big napper but will take a few short naps during the day.
- Your current favorite baby foods are sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese (this is your Daddy's favorite food too!) and pear strawberry granola (actually, you love anything with strawberries in it!).
- You have started using a sippy cup but still want us to hold it for you. We are working on that though! :)
- Your new game is throwing your toys on the floor so we have to pick them up for you. You think that it is hilarious! :)
- You are a good little traveler! So far, we have only taken day trips but you love to be on the go!
- You are Mr. Personality! You smile and laugh ALL the time and are so much fun!
- You are a joy and we love you so much!
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