Here are just a few pictures of Cooper from this weekend. He has recently became extremely interested in finger foods, especially Gerber "Puffs." We were in Wal-Mart this weekend with my Mom and niece and I gave him a "puff" and he pushed it to the front of his mouth. No, those aren't his two front teeth! :) We got really tickled when we saw this - it looks like he has some "Bubba Teeth" in his mouth! LOL!

When we got tickled and were laughing, he thought that it was funny and now he tries to do that everytime he eats a puff!

Here he is with his Nuna's shades on! LOL! He is such a little ham! Whenever we get tickled at him, he will really start putting on a show! He loves to make us laugh and is proving to be quite the little comic!

Sorry that these pictures are fuzzy! I didn't have my camera with me so these were taken with my iPhone.
He is too cute and is getting big. I love the pictures with the glasses:)