- You are 23 lbs, 11 ozs (50th percentile) and 30 1/2 inches tall (75th percentile).
- You love to dance and you love music. Everytime you hear music, you start cutting a rug! Ha! It cracks us up! :)
- You are walking!!!! You can now walk across the entire living room and are getting more and more confident with your walking everyday!
- You love exploring and seeing how things work.
- You love tractors! It is your current favorite word! You have a toy tractor and a book with pictures of tractors that you love to look at!
- You have an amazing vocabulary for a one year old (at least, we think so!). Some of your new words are tractor (of course), big truck, turtle, thank you, and puppy.
- You still love music and any kind of toy that plays music! Your Dad has been singing "My Darling Clementine" top you and you also have a book that plays the song. Now you go around singing it (not the words, just the tune!). It's so cute, you go around singing "da-da-da-daaaa, da-da-da-daaaa, da-da-daaaaaa-da-da-da-da."
- You LOVE to be read to and you also love to look at books independently. We read to you all day long (and love doing it!). I hope that you keep your love for books! Your current favorite books are: a set of Sesame Street Beginnings books ("Nighty Night," "A Day at the Zoo," and "Bubbles, Bubbles"), your tractor book (of course!) and a book titled "Puppy"(about one of your favorite things...puppies!).
- We had your birthday party this past Sunday (11/7/2010) and had so much fun! (Pictures and details to come in a later post.)
- We've been introducing more "grown-up" foods to you and, so far, your favorites are grilled cheese sandwiches, baby lima beans, baked sweet potato, cut-up hot dogs, and bologna.
- You are so outgoing and friendly and you love everyone! You are still quite the little flirt! :)
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful, sweet, loving little boy! I thank God everyday for blessing us with you! We love you SOOO much! Happy Birthday, little monkey! :)
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