Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cooper - 15 Months Old

Cooper - You are 15 months old! Here's what you are up to!

  • You are now in a size 4 diaper (we are going to change you to a size 5 after we use all the size 4's that we have), size 18 month in pants, size 24 months/2T in shirts.

  • At your last doctor's appointment you weighed 25 lbs, 4 ozs (50th-75th percentile) and were 32 1/2 inches (90th percentile).

  • You are very active and very inquistive! You examine all your toys to see how they work!

  • Your vocabulary is very extensive! You say "Hi Mama" or "Hi Daddy" and it just melts us!

  • You are so outgoing and so friendly! You love being around people and you talk to everyone!

  • You love to sing! You will sing the theme song to "Bob the Builder" but it comes out "Bob da Bilbur" - TOO CUTE!

  • You are still a good eater but since you were sick with a cold twice in a month, you have gotten a little picky. I am finding new and creative way to "hide" fruits and veggies in foods that you like. I think that I have tested at least half of the recipes in the book "Deceptively Delicious"!

  • Your favorite foods at the moment are my homemade banana bread (you LOVE it!), chicken nuggets and any breakfast food!

  • We have been able to take you outside some now that the weather is getting better and you love it! You don't want to come back into the house! You love to run and play with your 2 puppies, Murphy & Darby (and they love you!).

  • Your current favorite TV shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Timmy Time, Bob the Builder & Sesame Street.

  • You still love tractors and "big trucks." :)

  • You are the light in our lives and we love you VERY much!

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