Chris' cousin Mona and her husband Wayne (or Auntie Mony & Unca Wayne as they are known to Cooper) invited us to stay at their condo in Orange Beach for Memorial Day weekend. We had SOOOO much fun! This was Cooper's first trip to the beach and he LOVED it! I seriously think that he has the potential to become a little beach bum! :)
Here's a picture of Cooper relaxing on Mona & Wayne's boat. He loved going for boat rides!

More fun on the boat...

Like I said before...Cooper LOVES boat rides!
We took the boat to a small island and docked there. Needless to say, Cooper loved being able to dig and play in the sand. He also liked playing in the water. I'll post pictures of that later!

Coop having fun running on the boardwalk.

Thanks again to Mona & Wayne for inviting us! We had such a great time!!!
Such a cutie! Love your blog, so colorful.
Thank you so much! I'm trying to get better at keeping my blog updated (although that's kind of hard sometimes with a very active 19 month old!). :)