Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cooper - 22 Months Old

I haven't written a monthly update on Cooper in a while so I thought I would do one just so I have a record of what he's been doing.

Cooper - Here's what you've been up to:

-Favorite TV Shows: Thomas the Tank Engine, Bob the Builder, Chuggington & Jack's Big Music Show. He still will occasionally watch Wonder Pets and he also like Little Einsteins.
-Favorite Foods: Bananas, Apples, Corn Dogs, Corn on the Cob, Pizza, Chicken Fingers, Yogurt, Grits, Oatmeal, Pancakes, Mac & Cheese, Veggie Sticks, Applesauce.
-You know all of your animals & animal sounds.
-You recognize a lot of letters and know what sounds they make.
-Your vocabulary is VERY extensive! It seems like everyday you are saying new things!
-You LOVE puzzles and can do them all on your own.
-You love playing with Matchbox cars and will "drive" them around the house for hours!
-You love to color with crayons! Next, we are going to try painting!
-You still go to MDO 3 days a week and you still LOVE it! The Tumblebus comes to MDO one day a week and you really look forward to playing on it!
-We spend a majority of the evening outside. You love playing with your puppies and playing in the sandbox.
-You love popsicles but usually end up feeding part of it to the dogs!
-You love going to the park to play! You are so independent! You climb up the slides and slide down all by yourself.
-You love people and never meet a stranger! You have the happiest, most outgoing personality and love being around people.
-You are such a joy! I can't imagine our lives without you in it! You make us SO happy and we love you SOOOO much!

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